Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The weekend

Day 6&7 I thought the weekend would be really hard, weekends always are, but Saturday was not too hard because I was busy running kids to their different activities. I did 30 minutes of weights, and started slowly incorporating some more yoga (boy do I miss yoga). Sunday was a rest day for me, and I did eat too much, but I did not eat as much as I have before, so I think I did farely well. I found a new treat from our cook at Desert Cliffs..I melt semi sweet chocolate chips, and then stir in craisins, it's not a hot fudge sunday, but it helps to stop the sweet craves I have:).

Day 8 I woke up Monday morning, and knew I needed to challenge myself. I have a great route that I told you has 8 hills, and it takes me about an hour, and I walk a lot and try to RUN up the hills. Well I challenged myself to RUN the whole thing. I know that if I want to see results, I need to shock my body, and my body has been walking a lot(which is GREAT, and I love), so I decided to run and not let my body stop until I was done. The first two hills were GREAT, and when I got to the top, I still ran (slowly :)), and I was really proud, the third was starting to get challenging, and by the time I ran the 5 & 6, I wondered if I gave myself a challenge I couldn't do, but I'm competitive, and I like challenges, so I kept going. 7 & 8 hill were torchurous, but I am proud to say I did it, and I cut my time to 45 min instead of 60!!
I am getting spoiled this week and I am receiving meals from Desert Cliffs spa, but the challenge for me is going to stick to them and not eat my meals here at my home also. Yesterday I got a yummy avacado wrap with potato salad, and for dinner I ate a yummy mexican corn tortilla dinner with corn and salad. I was wanting to eat late at night, so I did make myself a spinach salad with lots of veggies (cooked onions and mushrooms), and lemon juice, garlic, and thyme for dressing.
I lost 5 pounds last week, and plan to lose a little more this week, I am CERTAIN that diet although we try to dance around it, is KEY to weightloss, and thanks to Desert Cliffs, I don't have an excuse this week.:)

1 comment:

  1. Hey it's me again :) I've been eating A LOT more veggies myself. Some in green smoothies (and hot pink for breakfast!) but many while trying to use up our bountiful baskets. Kids aren't as thrilled with the veggie dishes as I am but I'm not caring as much about that right now. Veggies are usually the main part of my meals and the other stuff the side. Also, switched meat dinners to 1-2x per week. I thought I was a fairly healthy eater before but I've stepped it up!

    Keep it up - YOU'RE AMAZING!


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