Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 3

Today was so busy, I was wondering what and when I was going to fit in a workout, but I knew I had to, so I put my 3 year old in the tub, and I did my workout in my bathroom with music and weights, and I am sore, so yeh....:) Weight lifting is so important, and there is so much you can do at home....I recommend taking it slow, do not overdo it, because you can really hurt yourself if you do to much. Because I am just getting back into it, I chose 5 excercises...Biceps (10 reps), tricep dips (25 reps), pushups (I am just barely making it to 10 reps on my knees), squats (20 reps with a 20 lb weight). I did all four of these 3x, and in between I did some yoga and stretching, I worked out for about 30 minutes, and it felt great, I felt like I challenged myself.

I took the kids to the park, and walked the stairs while they played. As far as my eating, today I was so busy I had to grab stuff fast, but I chose the apple instead of the chocolate, the side salad while I ran to Wendy's with the kids.

Let me know how you did today in the comments, it helps to write it down, and I plan to do it every day so I have something/someone to report to.

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