Friday, April 29, 2011
Day 4 and 5
Today I just could not get my workout in this morning, and I HATE working out at night, but I made a commitment to do at LEAST 30 minutes a day, so I knew all day I was going to have to figure something out. My husband got home at 7:30, so I grabbed my 9 year old son, and we headed for the TOWER!(a 1000 ft incline). It was great!! My son creamed me, but I told him that someday I was going to beat him, and he asked when and I said, "IN A MONTH", so I better get busy, because he really was fast! We did it in 28 minutes, so that is something I can do quickly, it's close, and it really works the BOOTY!
I heard a trick once from someone saying that they piled their bowl with spinach and then put their pasta on top, so they could still eat their pasta, but not too much, and since I'm a mom of five I don't have time to make a seperate meal for me, so I eat what my family eats, and tonight it was pasta. I piled my spinach in my bowl, and added about 1/2 cup of pasta, and it was great, and I actually felt full when I was done, I honestly didn't think I would.
So tomorrow is the hard for me!!! But I am really proud I really didn't know how I was going to fit exercise back in my life, but I have worked out for 5 days in a row!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Day 3
I took the kids to the park, and walked the stairs while they played. As far as my eating, today I was so busy I had to grab stuff fast, but I chose the apple instead of the chocolate, the side salad while I ran to Wendy's with the kids.
Let me know how you did today in the comments, it helps to write it down, and I plan to do it every day so I have something/someone to report to.
Check Out This Food Blog!!!

A great blog to learn about how to change our eating habits into healthy habits...and why!!!! Enjoy!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Day 2
Snack 2 100 cal oatmeal bar
lunch up at tuacahn a salad with chicken and 1/4c pasta 1/2 a breadstick 400 calories
Snack one slice of bread with peanut butter and homemade jelly 200 cal
snack 1/2 cup of cottage cheese 150
Dinner pasta with spinach and marinara 500 cal
snack 150 cal popcorn
1750 total plus 100 for guessing:) I guess my calories, because being a mom of five, I just don't have the time to calculate, so this is my guess.
I want to stay around 1800 because I am still nursing my baby.
Today as I went out for my workout, my son missed his bus, so I decided to run with him while he rode his bike to school (3 miles there and 3 miles back). I had to go quickly so he wouldn't be late (he was 15 minutes late), and I really was tired by the time he got to school, and then I had to turn around and get home quickly because I had somewhere to get to. There were many times I thought about calling my husband to come get me, but I didn't want to, and I knew I could make it. It was a very challenging workout, and I plan to try to do it at least once a week, so what will you do once a week to challenge yourself?
Monday, April 25, 2011
90 day challenge

I knew this day was going to come, and it is here, time to get my baby weight off. Some may think that taking off baby weight is easy, but after doing it 4 times already, I know that each time it is more difficult. After my last child was born, my weight stayed the same for 3 months until I decided to compete in a 90 day weightloss competition. I was able to lose 35 lbs in that 3 months, and I plan to do it again, but it is very challenging.
So here are my rules:
2. I have to write down everything I eat in the day
3. I have to commit to doing at least 30 minutes to an hour of working out every day.
Most of us know that losing weight is VERY challenging, but it is a lot easier to do it when you have to share your journey with others, so I really hope that I can convince you to comment on our Facebook page whenever I post something, so I feel like I'm not alone on this difficult, but oh so worth it challenge. It is not necessary to post your starting weight(unless you want to), but every week I will be posting my progress (weight/inches/body fat % lost).
This is 'my' plan, and everyone's will be a little different, but the idea is to burn as many calories as you can each day.:)
Because I have a newborn, I will not be able to go to the gym like I'd like to, and I will not be able to put in the time that I would love to, but I plan to make my workouts today I had an hour to workout, I got my kids in the stroller, and headed out. Behind my house I've got a lot of hills, and so I mapped out a route that includes 8 good hills. On each hill I run as quickly as I can up it. (doing intervals will increase your calorie burn). When I got done, I felt great, but it was hard, I am excited to increase my time and reduce my time on this route and burn the same, or even more calories because I've increased the intensity. When I got home, I did 3 sets of tricep dips on my coffee table(20 reps), 3 sets of pushups(12 reps), and some really good stretching.
I am excited to be able to be blogging about this, and I hope you will join me. I will update at LEAST once a week if not more to let you know what I am doing. Keep checking up on the blog, because I am going to talk more about my food choices.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Perfect Pineapple Every Time!

I love spring when many of my favorite foods are coming back in season. Pineapple is one of those, especially when perfectly ripe.
Here’s a foolproof tip for a perfect one every time.
Select any pineapple. Twist and pull to remove the spiny stem from the top. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Place the whole pineapple in a baking dish and bake for 1 hour.
Cool and refrigerate for 24 hours. Peel and slice. Baking the pineapple brings out the natural sugars of the fruit and turns it bright golden yellow. Enjoy!
Monday, April 18, 2011

Its a truism that April is the perfect time to visit Southern Utah.
And its true that spring is the perfect time to visit Desert Cliffs to 'reboot' or to re-energize your work-out regimen.'
Desert Cliffs is the perfect weight loss retreat!
And its true that the desert has never been greener!
The wildflowers are resplendent!!
The hiking is prime!
Its safe to say that new life abounds every way one looks!!
But today instead of boasting about the local flora and fauna or about our great amenities...
We thought it'd be fun to tell you about 3 new “additions” to the Desert Cliffs family.
Indirectly connected that is.
April brought 3 new, healthy babies into our midsts!!
This month John and Leanne had a beautiful baby girl!!

baby Kemp makes five!!!
April brought Cindy a healthy, handsome new grandson
Stephenson grandbaby #6
Nick has a new addition to his gaggle of grandchildren too!!

Granddaughter #3
Good things are always happening here at Desert Cliffs!!
Come join we can treat you like family!!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Introducing a New Hiking Guide!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011