I love this picture, because I think we all have experienced this, we sneak that chocolate bar when no one is watching. We think that if we hide from everyone it is ok, but we are forgetting we are hiding from the one person that should count the most....OURSELVES!!!
This is a gret picture, something we all face, the chocolate bar or the apple? Well, if the chocolate bar is NOT in my pantry, then I chose the apple. The trick has been to go to the store and pass the chocolate bars and pick up the apple instead.
I am confused by this picture, why are the parents so in love with the fact that their little girl has a bowl full of candy? I'm sure it was an advertisement of some sort, and she is an adorable little girl, but these are the distractions we are faced with every Day.
They are everywhere, they are distractions that keep us from reaching our goals. I think we each wake up each day with a goal in mind, and then we are faced with all of the distractions. If you walk into a grocery store, there are all types of candy, goodies, sweets, and then you walk by the bakery isle... it's just seems impossible to avoid all of these distractions, so what do we do?
I can only speak from experience, I have always loved sweets. These are the ways I try to avoid these distractions;
1. Drink lots of water
2. Do not go to the grocery store hungry
3. I try to keep sweets out of my pantry
4. Practice making better choices every day
5. Be accountable for the calories, read the labels, if sweets is a must, then only eat the serving size
I have always strived to be healthy like most people but have made mistake after mistake. Lately I have seen food in a different light. I think the distractions have become less of a distraction than they used to be. I have been able to distinguish the important things in life, or rather what something is worth. I have established a (healthy) anger against the things that have hurt me, and have been able to put myself 1st, my hppiness 1st, my future 1st. I walk into the store and have a different perspective, I look at the candy, and see it as empty calories that have hurt me in the past, and I am not going to let them hurt me again. Now this isn't to say that it still isn't hard, but I believe it is because of the education, and daily practice that has gotten me to this point. I am not going to let these useless calories win. They are not worth my time and energy.
Remember to ask yourself, "Is this worth it?"
Now I know the holidays are coming around the corner, and they are associated with in my opinion some of the best food of the year, family, friends, and SWEETS!!!! I plan to arm myself with the right gear, and I will not be one of the millions that gain 5 pounds because of the Holidays, but I will be one who enjoys the Holidays, sweets and all in a moderate and smart way. That will definitely be one of my blogs to come.
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