It's the Most WoNdErFuL Time of the year? Right? or am I right?
I sometimes find myself dreading this time of the year, and it makes me angry, because it should be The Best Time of the year full of giving, love, and Peace. Let's all love to Give all of our unnecessary treats away, so we can have peace:) (I'm kidding) Here are some rules that I have given myself to stay fit through the Holidays,
Rule #1 Set a goal. Remember where you want to be on January 1st this year, and keep that in mind throughout this next two months. Make you goals reasonable. Do you want to maintain your weight, or do you want to lose weight during this Holiday Season. Set your goals reasonably knowing yourself. My goal is to maintain my weight, and increase my strength.
Rule #2 . Write down your goals. Use a blog, Facebook, or any other form of letting others know of your plan. You will notice if you have to let others know of your goal, you will most likely stick to it.
Rule #3 Make sure it's worth it. Let's talk about food. I for one can not avoid the tempting treats of the Holidays. So my plan is to make sure the food is Worth it. Don't eat things unless they are completely 100% worth it. For instance, a donut is just not worth it---it is available ALL year long! But Grandma's homemade caramels are! My Grandma makes homemade caramels for me every year. This is worth it to me.
Rule #4 Drink a lot of water. Instead of drinking the holiday punch, drink water. When it is cold outside, we forget dehydrate ourselves, and we tend to eat more food. Also, if Hot Chocolate is a must because of the cold weather, mix it with water instead of milk. It will lower the calories, and still warm you up. I know egg nog is a favorite, and if you can not avoid it, mix it with skim milk, it will still taste yummy, and will lower the calories.
Rule #5 Be active! Play with the kids after dinner, run up and down your stairs, the kids will think it is the funnest game ever. Get outside and walk. Run in the snow, it is much better for your knees, and is so rejuvinating.
Rule #6 Get Plenty of rest. Remember that muscle builds while you rest and cortisol levels (which increase fat deposits in your belly) will rise under periods of less rest and higher stress.
Rule #7 Eat more vegetables with your meal. Instead of loading up with potatoes and stuffin, choose to have more vegetables with your turkey. Vegetables are free calories, learn to love them for that. (of course the ones that are not sauteed in butter and oil:))
Rule #8 Have a smaller dessert. I know we've talked about desserts, but this is something we have to tell ourselves over and over again. You don't need to skip dessert, just moderate it. Have a smaller sliver of pie with a larger serving of Fat-Free Cool whip it has less calories than a scoop of ice cream. Just be aware of what is going into your body, and if it is worth it, enjoy it SLOWLY.
Rule #9 Allow yourself to cheat. Taking a day off every once in a while gives your body time to rest and recover. Eating "bad" foods every once in a while will not make us gain weight, if we are smart and do our best to stick to our rules. Remember, MoDeRaTiOn is the KEY!!! Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend, and don't forget to list all that you are Grateful for.
I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained to know how to take care of my body, and for the ability to make mistakes and get back on track. My body is good to me, and I am so grateful for it. I am determined to have a wonderful Holiday full of laughter and gratitude.
Rule #10 GIVE. If you can not have sweets in your house without eating them all to yourself, give them away. If you enjoy baking, make sure you are baking for someone, and do not bake more than you need.