Friday, January 1, 2010

How to live Sugar Free

If you are a fan of our facebook page 'Let's Make January Sugar Free' then here are some suggestions for some of the questions you might have about the how far you should go.

There is sugar in almost everything we eat, so where should we draw the line?

This is your month, it's up to you where you limit yourself, but be careful with artificial sweetners. Many treats and cookies that say 'Sugar Free' will contain an artificial sweetner that is really not good for you. Try to stick to natural sweetners like xylitol, truvia, or xagave. As for the diet sodas, yes, they are sugar free, but they too contain artificial sweetner.

I for one am not going to eliminate skim milk, although it contains sugar, it is ok for myself, but I will not eat the cereals that contain sugar, instead I will make a bowl of oatmeal with berries, an veggie omlet, or a green smoothie. I love hot chocolate on a cold night, so instead of the sugary cocoa, I will make cocoa with skim milk or soy milk, hersheys dark unsweetened cocoa, and xagave natural sweetner. This will probably be my sweet indulgence for myself this month.

Remember this is your month, you are going to see the results you want because you are honest with yourself, don't replace your craving every time with a diet soda, or go out and by 'Sugar Free' treats.

Good luck and, make sure you post your ideas, and daily struggles on our facebook page, dedicated to a Sugar Free January.


  1. We love Organic Blue Agave - it has a honey consistency only a little runnier and has a fruity taste..all natural extracted from the heart of the AGAVE plant....LOVE IT!!! You can replace natural sugar with the formula (4 parts sugar = 3 parts agave) Ex: 4 Tb sugar = 3 Tb agave. We drizzle a little on whole grain pancakes with natural peanut butter, or drizzle in your all natural oatmeal or cream of wheat with fresh/frozen berries as Leanne suggested. You can use this to replace in any meal that calls for sugar, as well as the Truvia packets (0 calories) and ALL NATURAL made from the stevia leaf! Truvia has the same consistency as table sugar so you can buy some natural cereals (shredded wheats) and sprinkle a little of this on to taste and you won't know the difference other than you won't get that after breakfast crash in energy!

  2. Hey I really found this post helpful! My mom is a strong Splenda believer but is Truvia better for you? Thanks for sharing your health tips!


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