Friday, January 1, 2010

Committing to our Resolutions

  1. Be committed to pro-active living. You got one chance, and one chance only to make this life the best. Commit to being a participant and not an observer. Be pro-active instead of reactive. Commit yourself to working every day towards the direction of your goals and dreams. Life is a journey, it is not a destination.
  2. Write it down. Write down your goals and dreams and pin them up in a visible place. You will see these goals daily, and that way it will make it easier for you to achieve them.
  3. Don’t make the same mistake twice. You can learn from your mistakes, but do not make them twice. Make sure you make reasonable goals, and announce them to others so you have someone to report to.
  4. live without regrets. let the past be in your rear view mirror. Be in the moment, and let's do this together.

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