'If you want to live longer, reduce your need for medications, lose weight faster than you ever thought possible, and dramatically improve your health, Eat For Health is the answer.
The more nutrient dense food you consume, the faster your health will improve. Fat will melt away, the need for medication will lessen, and you'll reverse the disease process!' Dr. Joel Fuhrman talks about this in his book, "Eat for Health"
I love this, because I believe that by making baby steps each day and changing your eating habits slowly, you will become the person you have always wanted to be, healthy, vibrant, and be one who doesn't have to count calories every single Day for the rest of your life! By eating foods that are Nutrient dense, and not caloric dense you will be able to reverse the effects that have stopped many from living the life we deserve!
These are the things that we can all be promised and guaranteed by eating a Nutrient Dense diet:
1. You will lose your food addictions and actually prefer healthy foods over low–nutrient food.
2. You will remove dangerous hunger and you will succeed at losing weight and keeping it off forever.
3. You will beat disease, reverse diabetes, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol without drugs and protect yourself against cancer.
4. You will get more pleasure out of eating.
Are these not enough reasons to start Eating the Nutrient Dense Way? Keep checking back for recipes that I will share in the next following posts.