
Friday, April 18, 2014

Desert Cliffs Top Ten Reasons to own a Backpack

1.  A backpack doesn't get jealous of other backpacks.

2.  A backpack will cary a ton of stuff - without complaint.

3.  You can pick a new backpack out of a catalog.

4.  A backpack always stays the same size (within reason).

5.  Backpacks never raise an arm and say, "Talk to the hand".

6.  Having more than one backpack is socially acceptable.

7.  A backpack is ready to leave whenever you are.

8.  A backpack doesn't mind if your friends come over - A LOT!

9.  "Backpack Swapping", is not publicly frowned upon.

10.  A backpack never gets tired of shopping.

So grab a backpack and let's...

Take a Hike!

If you are planning to hike with Desert Cliffs, plan on bringing a backpack that can hold a water bladder of a minimum of 2 liters, a packed lunch, plus any other necessities you might need.  A backpack is a good investment and with good treatment, will last many years and serve you well.

Tip:  You can store your water bladder in a freezer between hiking trips.  That will keep bacteria from growing inside!

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