"It turns out that this photo was taken on my last 'official' hike for Desert
Cliffs.Good 'ol Awesome Chasm.I didnt have a clue at the time that it
was my last. But if I had, I dont think I could have appreciated its beauty
any more than I did at that moment. Everyday that I hiked was a gift and a
blessing and a treasure. Every hikebrought peace, health and an appreciation
of the beauties of this world and the people in it.Every hike built
friendships as our feet carried us through the desert, forits a well proven
fact that hiking and talking are a perfect match. And talkingand sharing
one's life with others is cathartic, cleansing and good forones mental
health not to mention ones waist line. Im so glad that I weedled myself into
this shot. Im gratefulthat Cheryl took it. It will be poinient memory for
me from here on out.Trying to 'recap' my hiking career with Fitness
Ridge and then for Desert Cliffs will be like trying explain the color
blue.Trying to express in words what hiking and meeting the amazing folks I
have been blessed to meet would be as difficult as explaining all the hues of
red in the desert.Trying to express my emotions and gratitude for my hiking
guides and my bosses- who are more like family- for their friendships and
companionship on the trails is nearly an almost impossible task.Having the
best gig on the planet..working for the best people and meeting the best people
was heaven on earth. Here's hoping I can find heaven elsewhere somehow, some
way.Here's hoping I find blessings in some other form.... somewhere.... " posted by http://www.facebook.com/messages/577906759#!/profile.php?id=1521266580Cindy Stephenson
Cliffs.Good 'ol Awesome Chasm.I didnt have a clue at the time that it
was my last. But if I had, I dont think I could have appreciated its beauty
any more than I did at that moment. Everyday that I hiked was a gift and a
blessing and a treasure. Every hikebrought peace, health and an appreciation
of the beauties of this world and the people in it.Every hike built
friendships as our feet carried us through the desert, forits a well proven
fact that hiking and talking are a perfect match. And talkingand sharing
one's life with others is cathartic, cleansing and good forones mental
health not to mention ones waist line. Im so glad that I weedled myself into
this shot. Im gratefulthat Cheryl took it. It will be poinient memory for
me from here on out.Trying to 'recap' my hiking career with Fitness
Ridge and then for Desert Cliffs will be like trying explain the color
blue.Trying to express in words what hiking and meeting the amazing folks I
have been blessed to meet would be as difficult as explaining all the hues of
red in the desert.Trying to express my emotions and gratitude for my hiking
guides and my bosses- who are more like family- for their friendships and
companionship on the trails is nearly an almost impossible task.Having the
best gig on the planet..working for the best people and meeting the best people
was heaven on earth. Here's hoping I can find heaven elsewhere somehow, some
way.Here's hoping I find blessings in some other form.... somewhere.... " posted by http://www.facebook.com/messages/577906759#!/profile.php?id=1521266580Cindy Stephenson